Color Run pics

This gallery contains 18 photos.

Here’s some pictures from the color run Saturday.  I tell ya, if Colin is in a picture, be very assured that it’s a carefully crafted pose.  No matter the stance he’s in.  He’s definitely in a “ham it up!” phase.  So funny! It’s the middle of April.  April!!  Naturally that would mean we’re under a […]

Chocolate cupcakes. And kids.

I made these cupcakes and they’re stupid delicious and I’m upset that I can’t shove them all in my face right now instead of being nice and waiting for other family members to come home so I can share them.  Hrmph. 

My children are getting older.  And losing teeth.  Oliver seriously looks like “Bubba Hillbilly” right now.  Once those top two teeth come back in, his face will really start changing.  It’s already lost a lot of the kidness in it, but then?  Oy.  Of course, it’s all about me, so the older they get, just means the older I get.  I’ll say it again.  OY!

It’s April 1st which means you pretty much can’t trust anything anyone says today.  Except me.  I never really learned the art of pulling genuinely funny pranks.  Or, any funny joke at all. 

Soccer is in full swing which means are weeks are full and days fly by and I turn around and realize that I don’t really feel like I’ve done anything noteworthy.  But, the boys had their yearly checkups and they’re both “perfect” (the official medical diagnosis), so we’ve got that going for us. 

There really isn’t much point to this except I wanted to brag about the cupcakes.  That I didn’t create and altered the recipe so mine are slightly different than what’s written.  I still want to eat them all. 

This and that. Probably again.

This was last Thursday, when the kids had to go to school:
1This is today, when school is cancelled:


I’ve lived here all my life and I still don’t get it. 

Lately, I’ve been fairly slack on making fun dinners, baked goods, anything.  Yesterday, I decided it was time to change that.  I went to my go to website to find something to use up leftover chicken and ran across Artichoke Lemon Pesto Chicken Pasta.  There were some pretty high hopes for the greatness of it and let me tell you it in no way disappointed.  Seriously.  It’s so good.  Naturally, I didn’t follow the recipe exactly (does anyone?) as I didn’t have walnuts, vegetable broth, or fresh parsley.  I used chicken broth instead and left out the other two.  I’m going to say it in no way diminished the taste because of how awesome it was.  Today, I’ve got a cookie recipe of her’s that I plan on trying.  Providing I get all the laundry done.  Stupid laundry.  

Throughout the years, Alan’s music has been shoved to the backburner.  He’s decided that it’s time that it comes back out and get the kids involved.  He tackled the playroom to also become a music room.  Colin dove right in. 
Thankfully, this went well with my Valentine’s Day present to him.  And since I can’t keep surprises to save my life, it’s already all set up. 

No, there hasn't been a bookshelf sitting there for years.  Why?

No, there hasn’t been a bookshelf sitting there for years. Why?

Guitar one up!

Guitar one up!

Two guitars!

Two guitars!

Third puck up, but they screwed up my order, so I don't have the 3rd hook yet.

Third puck up, but they screwed up my order, so I don’t have the 3rd hook yet.

Didn't even think about getting black screws until it was too late.  Oh well.

Didn’t even think about getting black screws until it was too late. Oh well.

Wires all hooked up.

Wires all hooked up.

Aaaaand, play!

Aaaaand, play!

I’m quite pleased with myself for this.  I have a love/hate relationship with vday.  It really is a silly holiday and way overblown.  However, I like to do it.  This year, though, I couldn’t see spending a ridiculous amount of money on an overpriced average dinner, so I wanted to do something that had some actual meaning to it.  Plus, I got to use a power tool.  🙂  Also, I learned that there’s a knob on the trigger that changes the tension in the drill that makes drilling a ton easier.  Learned that one the hard way…oops. 


I believe they exist.  Couldn’t tell you what they actually are, as I can’t say that I believe in a god and therefore don’t believe in a devil.  Angels and demons, not so much.  But, something not of this plane?  Something’s there.  I’ve had experiences all my life, but the latest one was two days ago.  It was ambiguous enough that it absolutely could have been my hair, and I’m aware enough that’s a logical explanation.  However, I’ve seen enough in this house (example: the child standing in the boys’ bedroom when they were both with me) that even though I told myself it was probably my hair,  I promptly left to go to Walmart.  For the longest time, Alan would give me the look that he usually gave me when I recounted something strange that happened.  Then, it got him.  A few times.  Won’t lie, I relished that “I told you so!” moment.  Now, anytime I relay something strange he doesn’t give me “that” look; I get the knowing look.   

That’s all I got about that.   I’ll end with this picture Alan took in the St. Augustine Lighthouse.  It’s the same shot that the show Ghost Hunters filmed when they got a shadow figure peering over the edge.  Even with no ghosts, it’s a damn cool shot.  


Tuesdays put me in a good mood.  Yay lunch-date day!  Today was decent sushi.  A little pricier than it should have been, but not bad.  And since I’m in a good mood, I’ll pretend like you’re in my living room and show you a few vacation pictures.

Oliver giving his normal expression after I've yelled his name for the 4th time.

Oliver giving his normal expression after I’ve yelled his name for the 4th time.

Colin didn't want to watch the scary part of the movie.  He's literally watching through his fingers.  We were still in Texas.

Colin didn’t want to watch the scary part of the movie. He’s literally watching through his fingers. We were still in Texas.

Less than 3 hours later, and not even half way through Louisiana, the kid passed out.

Less than 3 hours later, and not even half way through Louisiana, the kid passed out.

I love tacos.

Seriously.  I could shove my face full of tacos every day and still be happy.  Nom nom nom!  I’m not eating tacos now, though. Now I’m eating leftover this recipe.  It’s seriously delicious.  Yay after workout snack! 

Workouts.  It’s been a long time since I’ve done 3 day splits with sprints after, so I decided to get back on that.  Let me just say: OOOWWWWWWW!!!!  Ridiculously ow.  And slightly humiliating when your shoulders give you the ole “F You!!  You worked us to failure and NOW you want to try to do push-ups?!  Here!  We’ll show you!” and drop me on my face.  At the gym.  That’s awesome.  Thanks, shoulders!  But, I’ve seen the pay off, so whatever.  I’m sure they’ll get over it. 

I’m going to stop talking about my shoulders as if they’re sentient beings now.  That was a little weird. 

The vacation pictures still aren’t done.  And I can’t even blame Alan this time.  I have all the pictures, just have to go through them and put them in order and make an actual thing.  Vacation slides!!  Man, I wish.  One day. 

Here’s other pictures, though.  Last Sunday we met up with friends at the gun range.  It was the boys first time and they REALLY enjoyed it.





From there, we went to the Stars game that Mom got us for Christmas.  They lost, but it was still a fun game.  Even if Colin started asking in the first period if it was over….again….


No, that’s not Oliver’s beer.  At least, not that we’ll ever tell…

Back to it.

Here’s a little gem nugget for you…I’m in my room yesterday, turn around, and Colin is standing in the doorway.

“Can we eat clams?”


“Can we eat clams?”

“Who?  You?  People in general?”

“No!  Can WE eat clams?!” *he’s now starting to look at me like I’m a little slow in the head*

“Right now??”

“NO!!  Can we EAT them?!”

“Technically yes.  Some people do.”

“EWWWW, but they’re seafood!”

“Yes.  Some people like them.  Daddy and I like them in clam chowder.”


“No, clam chowder is good.  It’s soup.”

At this point, he starts making gagging noises, slaps his hand over his mouth and runs away.  Then I hear “Oliver!!  Mommy and Daddy eat clam powder!!  Gross!!!”  Mmmmm, clam powder. 

Today is finally back to normal routine day.  After 18 days of the boys being out of school (not that I counted), I’m so ready.  One is already at his and the other is leaving in a few.  Then, back to the gym for me!  I’m actually looking forward to it.  3 weeks off is way too long.  2 months before that of half-assing it is even longer.  Time to sweat.   

I’ve got loads and loads….and loads…of vacation pictures to go through.  I fully intend to get them all in one place and then making a post about it and pretending like I have a bunch of people in my living room being forced to go through the slideshow all the while wishing they could at least be drinking through the explanation of each picture they couldn’t care less about but they have a horrible host who refused to serve them anything until the presentation is over so their suffering only grows with each slide.  I’ve always wanted to be that person at least once.  Not really, but it makes me laugh thinking about it.  But, I won’t do any of that today.  Today is sweat, lunch date day (YAY!), errand doing if there’s time, and then school’s out.  And, I don’t actually have all the pictures in one place (ALAN! :p) yet. 

I love this article.  You should read it. 


Screw November.

Seriously.  Just.  Screw it. 

Here’s some stupid cute pictures of the kids and one of our stupid elf (that I secretly love, but hate trying to come up with new ideas every night). 

Oliver's 1st Grade Pictures

Oliver’s 1st Grade Picture

Colin was home sick one day.  Took a pic of him sitting with his tablet, kleenex, and gatorade.  He saw the picture and had to pose.

Colin was home sick one day. Took a pic of him sitting with his tablet, kleenex, and gatorade. He saw the picture and had to pose.

The one picture I have of Beauregard so far this year.

The one picture I have of Beauregard so far this year.

We leave for Florida on Friday.  Guess who’s so unbelievably not ready.  No really.  Guess!!  Yeah, ok, it’s totally me.  At least I’ve got *some* presents bought.  Not stressed about that at all.  Nope.  Not me.  Totally not stressed about not having bought our tickets for Disney and Universal yet, either.  Sooooo not stressed about that.  Ha!  No stress here!!  *insert maniacal laughter here*


The boys right before trick-or-treating.

The boys right before trick-or-treating.

Alan has white knighted (yeah, I’m looking at YOU, stupid car battery) it 3 times in the last 6 days.  That’s a pretty high standard he’s setting for himself 🙂  I also got a new garbage disposal, AND, he cleaned the kitchen for me last night.  It needed to be cleaned because I spend a ridiculous amount of time in there cooking super awesome foods.  Remember that one time a looooong time ago (my last post) that I talked about trying the sausage spaghetti squash?  Yeah, it was amazing.  I made it again last night with some tweaks, obviously, and it was still just as awesome.  I also tried a different blackberry cobbler.  Strangely, after using loads of sugar this time, neither of the kids would touch it.  Which makes me part proud and part horrified.  It’s sugar!!  Ah well. 

This past weekend we finally got out to our happy hour sushi place.  I don’t know that I’d ever want to eat there during non-happy hour prices.  Geez.  Thankfully, it’s stupid good so I just ignore it.  You know, until the credit card bill comes.  Then I cringe.  Sunday was spent being lazy and watching the Cowboys actually win.  Well, I was lazy.  Alan was being heroic and installing the disposal.  I had a twinge of feeling guilty for staying home to watch the whole game before heading down to get the boys, and then saw mom post pictures of the boys at a Cat in the Hat play.  That immediately squashed (mmmm, squash) the guilt and I had another beer. 

Speaking of beer, I should stop drinking that.  And eating the chips.  And donuts.  And get back in the gym for real.  Stupid Halloween candy… I may be carting some of that up to Alan’s work today to get it out of my house.  Which means I should get off here and get ready for that whole gym thing.  And getting Colin to school.  That’s a lot of “and.”